Saturday, May 5, 2007

How to Make Women Laugh and Fall In Love

In this article I will explain to you how to make women laugh and fall in love with you.
First of all you have to realize that humor is a very powerfull way to attract women.
The reason why is simple they are searching for someone who can cheer them up.
You have guess it already with humor you can be the man that fulfils their needs.
In the next few paragraphs you will learn how to do it effective.

Attract women with humor #1: Avoid the slapstick routine.

Unless you have the qualities of mister Bean or Charlie Chaplin avoid being an idiot.
If you act like an idiot she will treat you like an idiot.

Attract women with humor #2: Start with easy jokes.

If you start talking with a woman start out with easy jokes. I bet it’s not so difficult for you to learn some jokes by hard. If you start out with difficult jokes there is a change that she will find you boring

Attract women with humor #3: Keep it clean and fresh.

There are some exceptions but very few people like jokes or stories about genitals.
Just keep it clean and fresh of course there you can implent a little bit of sexual orientated content in your jokes but telling a story about genitals is disgusting.
With fresh I mean tell a joke with your own words don’t copy a humorist you have seen on the television last night.

Attract women with humor #4 : Quit on the right time

There will come a time to settle down and be serious no matter how good your jokes are.
Look to it at this way: With humor she will become interested in you but if she takes a second look she will discover a non stop joker. Humor is important but nobody wants a man who can’t be serious.


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As you see humor is a very effective way to attract somebody. If you use humor you can transform yourself from a four point guy to seven or even eight at ten.
I hope this was an answer on your question.
How to Make Women Laugh and Fall In Love.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Four excellent places to meat women

Where to meet women?

You can meet women almost everywhere however there are some places where it is easier to stay in contact with them. In this article I give you five excellent places where you can start, yes after reading this article you can start even tonight if you want.

Where to meet women #1: A bar.<

A bar is a great place to meet a potential partner. Of course you can go alone or with some friends. Perhaps you think going alone to a bar is silly but see it this way. If you go alone to a bar you will do more effort to meet someone strange. The best way to start a conversation is to talk about the music or how great the cocktails are.

Where to meet women #2: A disco.

In the first place a disco is a place that you visit to have fun with your friends. Believe me this is my favourite place to meet hot women. But meeting new hot women can not be your first goal if you visit a disco. There is a change you will not meet a women who you like. Well and even if you haven’t meet someone attractive you have still have a good night with your friends. The best way to keep in contact with someone is start dancing. Believe me if you stand in the corner of the disco with a cell phone in your hand (almost) nobody will start a conversation with you.

Where to meet women #3: Use single travel groups.

There are a lot of people who are travelling on their own this can be for several reasons. However this is a great way to meet women. Be sure you check the average age of the participants. Sure you can have fun as an adolescent if you are travelling with a senior group but I don’t think you will find your potential partner. Therefore do you research first.

Where to meet women #4: Dating sites.

Dating sites are an excellent source to meet women from all ages and countries. Before you are planning an offline date be sure you asked here questions on forehand. Also ask if she can show you some pictures of herself or even better if she can turn on her webcam.

5 online dating tips for men

Online dating tips for men.

So you are looking for online dating tips for men. More and more men are trying to find the love of their life trough the World Wide Web. And after all this can be a good idea. You have access to millions of women’s profiles at the comfort of your own house. But it is in your advantage if you read and most important implent the tips you will read in the next seconds.
Online dating tips for men #1: Is this picture for real?

There is an old adage that says “If something is too good to be true than probably it is”.
With online dating this is a fact. There are a lot of women who are creating a profile with fake pictures on it. Perhaps you ask yourself so what? Well if she’s not even honest on the internet what would that be in the offline world? If you have met a women on the internet and you are arranging an offline date make sure she sends you different pictures of herself. Also a good idea is to use a webcam so you can see her face in real time.

Online dating tips for men #2: You must take action.

Just like in the offline dating world it is seldom that a woman will make the first steps.
They want that the man takes action. And if you are trying to contact beautiful women be sure you will have a lot of competitors just like in the offline dating scene. The best way to get in contact with women on the internet is by reading her profile page. If you have read it you can ask questions related to her interests and hobbies. Be honest if you were a woman with who would you talk. A guy who is emailing you “You are a hot chick” or “I have found out that you are interested in the first world war well to help you out I have found some usefull information about this topic”. I’m sure you now the answer very well.

Online dating tips for men #3: Post the right pictures of yourself.

There is nothing wrong if you don’t have the body of fitness model as long as you don’t fake your pictures. You can post some photos with you and friend colleagues. Also make sure that you post some pictures where you are alone on the picture. This way the women can be sure how you look like. And don’t try to post pictures of yourself with other women unless it is family of course.

Online dating tips for men #4: Do not get scammed.

Pishing e-mails, pyramid games, Nigerian scam letters all these scams are very common on the internet. They have one thing in common making the owner richer and trying to steal your money. Perhaps you don’t except it but there are some scammers who are using dating sites as well. Love can do crazy things however never sends money to a women you have met on an online dating site. Some Russian women are doing these often they are telling the man that they need money so they can pay the overseas trip.

Online dating tips for men #5: If you pay peanuts you get monkeys.

It is true that you don’t have to send money to women that you don’t know. However it is not true that online dating won’t cost you money. Yes you can find a date on the internet for free but if you want to attract the hot women than you will have to spend money. It is important that you have a good digital camera so you can take nice pictures of yourself.
Most dating sites have a paid membership type. Pay for this believe me women will ask theirself “How can this man be serious about me if he has no money to pay for the extra service the dating site is offering”.

These were my five dating tips for men. I hope you have enjoined hem and that you will implent them.

How to ask a girl for a date

How to ask a girl out on date.

Did you know that ninety percent of the women are saying yes when a man asks here to go out. Of course you have to set the firsts step. I know if you are a shy guy (like me) this is not easy. You are afraid that the girl will say no and I would lie if this is not possible. However if you are afraid of doing this keep sentence one of this article in your mind. And the worst thing that could happen is that she says no. Don’t be afraid she won’t attack you if you ask here out on a date.

Online communication tools are bad for dating.

It is not difficult to turn on your messenger and ask here out on a date or sending her an email. Don’t do this ask it to here face to face. If you ask it to here trough msn she will think. “This person is to shy to ask it to me directly what would this be if I have a date with this man”. You can use a telephone as well.

How to ask it?

The first thing you must do is excepting a positive answer. So don’t ask questions such as “I bet you haven’t time to drink something with me on Friday night but you may never know”. This question is programmed to have a no answer. What you can say is “I have heard from my friend that there is an excellent new cocktail bar in town, I think we should test this out. Did you see it this has nothing to do with your body or financial situation it is just asking it on the right way.

Use humor to arrange your date.

Believe me humor is a very powerfull tool to attract women. Of course you can say “I would like to drink something with you” or “I have heard they are doing poison in the new cocktail bar, would you like to test it out with me?”

Lead your own life.

It is very important that dating the women is not your main goal. Which man have more self evidence the one who says: “I realy want to drink something with you” or “I go to my favourite bar this evening and I’m sure you will like it too.”.

So you have read these tips now on “How to ask a girl out on a date”. I’m sure you have learned from it and this way you are miles away from your competitors.